Puddletown Community Library
Puddletown Community Library

What we have for you...

We have everything you would expect to find in a local library: information, recreation, education and culture. We aim to provide a service which reflects the needs of the local community, to promote literacy generally and to be a welcoming place in the Community.

The 200 Club - Subscribe to our monthly lottery Annual membership £10.00

Things that we have at the Library

Borrow books from and return books to Dorset County Library stock.


Order and collect books ordered from Dorset Country Library stock at CLiP.


Talking books and large print books:

Available from the Dorset County Library through the reservation service. Reserve books to be delivered to Puddletown library or renew books by logging in using your library membership card.


Free Loan Books, DVDs, CD's, Audio Books and Jigsaws:

For more information on Free Loan, see the Forms section.


Use of Dorset County Library Computers 


Free Wi-Fi


Jigsaw Table


Puddletown Bookworms:

Our lively and vibrant book group.Puddletown Bookworms has been meeting one evening a month for the past five years, in the library. We discuss an eclectic range of books chosen by the group and exchange views, recent good reads, films and literary gossip over a cuppa. For more information - contact Rosie Wyndham  on 01305 849277.


'PM Puddlers':

Our New afternoon book group - would you like to join an afternoon Book Club to discuss and chat about chosen books? Due to the success of Puddletown Bookworms we have a new book club at the library. If you are interested, please leave your details at the library or phone Rosie Wyndham 01305 849277.


Story time and Rhyme time at the library:

The Puddletown Pumpkins meet in Puddletown village hall between 10 am – 12 noon on Thursdays (during term time). Volunteers open the library between 10.15am and 11.15am solely for the use of the mothers & toddlers. Story time & rhyme time takes place in the library at approximately 10.45am depending on other mother & toddler activities in the village hall.


Learn to Read with Read Easy (Dorchester & Weymouth):

The community library in Puddletown provides a venue for one-to-one help for people who find reading difficult. If you know someone who wants to learn to read or if you can read and would like to teach someone else (no experience needed) Please visit www.readeasy.org.uk  phone 01386 700883 or e-mail info@readeasy.org.uk.


Home Library Service:

Dorset County Council can provide a free library service for the housebound, those living in nursing homes or sheltered housing. You can request a specific book or subject, also Large print books are available as well as talking books for the visually impaired. Phone 01305 225000 or Email: supportservices@dorsetcc.gov.uk



The Friends of Puddletown Library

Charity number 1154773

Contact us:

By Post: 

Puddletown Community Library

Puddletown Village Hall

High Street




By telephone:

01305 848506  (during library hours)

By email:


Or pop in during library hours