Puddletown Community Library
Puddletown Community Library

Regular & Special Events


Regular Events:


Story time and Rhyme time at the library -Thursdays (term time only) from 10.15 - 11.15am:

The Puddletown Pumpkins meet in Puddletown village hall between 10 am – 12 noon on Thursdays during term time. Volunteers open the library between 10.15 and 11.15 solely for the use of the mothers & toddlers. Story time & rhyme time takes place in the library at approximately 10.45 depending on other mother & toddler activities in the village hall.


Puddletown Bookworms - Our lively and vibrant book group:

Puddletown Bookworms meets one evening a month, in the library. We discuss an eclectic range of books chosen by the group and exchange views, recent good reads, films and literary gossip over a cuppa. For more information - contact Rosie Wyndham  on 01305 849277.


'PM Puddlers' - Our New afternoon book group:

Would you like to join an afternoon Book Club to discuss and chat about chosen books? Due to the success of Puddletown Bookworms we have a new book club at the library. If you are interested, please leave your details at the library or phone Rosie Wyndham 01305 849277.


PCSO Alison Donnison regualrly visited the Puddletown Community Library. She no longer visits on a Wednesday, however, if required she can be contacted:
Phone : 07912898413.
Email : Alison.donnison@dorsetpnn.police.uk
This is only for advice on community matters - all incidents should be reported to 101


The Friends of Puddletown Library

Charity number 1154773

Contact us:

By Post: 

Puddletown Community Library

Puddletown Village Hall

High Street




By telephone:

01305 848506  (during library hours)

By email:


Or pop in during library hours